Ritter Contact Lite C | EQUIPOS DENTALES | Aparatología dental en Oviedo | IMEJ Depósitos Dentales | Materiales dentales en Oviedo | IMEJ Depósitos Dentales


Ritter Contact Lite C Ritter Contact Lite C

I.V.A. no incluido (21%)

0,00 €

Ritter Contact Lite C

Ritter Contact Lite C
dental working place with Ritter Cart

The Patient's Chair Ritter Contact Lite
The chair is optionally available with left or
right armrest.
The headrest is double articulated and therefore
usable as a children’s headrest.
Seamless upholstery, which - in case of need -
can be exchanged manually.
The dentist has the choice between 5 upholstery colors.

The Dentist's Unit Ritter Cart Lite
The instrument section accommodates 6 instruments
in a very flexible order.

The storage system allows removal of the
instruments in a very ergonomic way.

The order of the instruments is - almost - at free
choice, since with this design of the instrument
storage section there is no interdependence
between the shapes of the instruments and the instrument holder.

The Cart Lite can be equipped with
Multimedia components.

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